<--- This is one of many ads I saw today. What caught my eye was the minus sign. I was thinking it might be fun to take them up on their offer and have them pay me $4.95 as well as the 1000G, and I don't even play WoW. But, five bucks is five bucks, right? I could have a lot of fun and sign up for a million gold. that would be $4,950.00 to me, then. A pretty decent living, but why stop there? I could order a billion gold, or a trillion, and really make a fine living. Of course, then there'd be the problem of what the heck would I do with game money in a game I don't even play?
*disclaimer: I don't cheat or advocate cheating. This post is purely to make fun of a typo, and while I don't usually stoop to pointing and laughing, these companies pretty much deserve it, because this kind of cheatery is despicable.