I wish I could find my 'before' pics, for the sake of comparison.
"But Ana," you say, "surely that didn't take two years to do!"
It's true, it didn't take two years to do, but it did take longer than originally anticipated. We were fairly close to on schedule for the basement, but things slowed down significantly with the main floor. There were a lot of little things that kept slowing us down (such as three layers of wallpaper on the ceiling, some stuck on there with glues that are so old modern glue solvents don't work on them), and our money supply dwindled until we could no longer afford to pay for help. It turned into a drag instead of a fun project (at least, it did for me).
As we got nearer completion, I fell into Middle Earth via Lord of the Rings Online.
This is one of many beautiful sights to see in the Shire. That's my main character standing outside of the hobbit hole she used to call home. The game, with all its sights, its mostly very pleasant player base, its storyline and the gameplay itself have captivated me for a year now, and with the newly released expansion, Mines of Moria, offering over 500 new quests, new gameplay, new players, new player classes, new crafting, and many other new things, I think it's safe to say it will hold my attention for quite a long time to come, especially considering there was still so much for me to see and do before this expansion was released.
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