My garden is growing quite nicely:

We take good care of this one, checking every day to make sure the peas are grasping their wire netting, shading the spinach, pouncing on every weed almost as soon as it pops up (this actually has its downfall as we do not actually know what all our crops are supposed to look like to start, and so we have managed to prematurely pick several plants that were supposed to be there...), and watering all the time (as watering laws allow, of course) - even going so far as to set up an irrigation system:

This picture is out of order from the others in this post, but you can see in this picture also that my boyfriend has set up a potato patch (also with irrigation) in the ditch outside our yard. Our strata doesn't mind this because it means he keeps that portion of the ditch under control, more or less.
On the other hand, we also have our strawberry patch, which we do not tend in any way:

This strawberry patch started in the very corner, in a neat little square. It has a mind of its own, however, and is apparently on a mission to take over the whole yard. The only way we take care of this is that there is drip irrigation there now, and we pick the berries whenever we see them (which is all the time!). We are letting them do their own thing because apparently they can take care of themselves, and if all else fails, at least we'll have delicious strawberries every summer.
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