I awoke to Day 5 in a nice comfy bed at a friend's house. After a delicious breakfast of fresh cinnamon buns, we made our way over to another friend's house, along with the couple we'd stayed with, and the five of us began our journey to Chicago. We stopped along the way at a food court place that was built over top the highway, which is a neat idea. We had Taco Bell, which was fun because the boys usually tease me that they're going to Taco Bell at around midnight their time, and I quite frankly cannot do the same, nor obviously join in the fun. Oddly, the menu item I usually order here is not the same in Wisconsin. There's a bean paste in there instead of rice (bean paste is, I will admit, the more normal thing to expect in a burrito, but rice is more interesting and also the reason I choose this particular menu item in my own city).
We continued our way to Chicago, where we went to the Museum of Science and Industry, which was a lot more like a learning center than an actual museum, though the place was home to several artifacts, which were cool to see. There were some old cars there, including a model T. We took several pictures, but mostly they turned out too dark to see much of anything. We saw a giant model train set up, which was cute. We saw baby chicks hatching, which kind of broke my heart, really. Those poor little creatures were hatched with no mama chicken around. Those chicks came into the world utterly alone, save for the other scared, alone chicks hatching near enough the same time. Anyways... *hrmph* One of the displays was a cool submarine, which was captured by Americans during WWII. That was pretty neat to see. There was also a working coal mine, but due to line up sizes and the fact that the museum closed an hour early that day, we did not check it out.
When the museum closed, we parted ways with my friends and took off to find a hotel. Unlike most of our trip, we didn't se any hotels off the side of the highway while we were in Chicago, so we stayed on the main drag for a while before deciding to just continue onward, so we ended up just going around Lake Michigan and onward to... Kalamazoo! Kalamazoo is the friendliest place ever, I think. Everyone was genuinely friendly, not just service-friendly. We told the clerk at the hotel lobby that we were staying in Kalamazoo that night purely because of the name of the city, and he was so delighted, he gave us a discount. As we settled into our room, dusk fell upon us, and brought with it fireflies. This was our first time ever seeing fireflies, and they were very neat. It's hard to believe there's a creature whose butt lights right up, but we've seen them with our own eyes. That night we watched Harry Potter, which was the opening night, and we watched it for $5 each, no line-ups, and we strolled in about 6 minutes before showtime. That was interesting. We scrutinized the tickets after the show and found they'd given us student pricing (hehe).
Friday, August 14, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Doing the Dirty Deeds
In LotRO, there are certain things you can do that earn you titles, traits or sometimes other things, such as xp tokens for your legendary items. These things you can do are called deeds, and as of last November, when the expansion for LotRO was released, for every 40 deeds you do, you can raise the maximum number of quests you have open by one. When this new quest maximum bonus was implemented, my character had 5 bonus quest slots, meaning she had already done over 200 deeds. I have a new mission, which is to double that. I adopted this goal when I opened up my 49th quest slot, so I decided 40 more deeds wouldn't be too bad, and it's fun to make goals. I also decided I should document which 40 deeds I do to open up that magic 50th quest slot, mostly for the purpose of sating my own curiosity later.
There are different kinds of deeds you can do. There are the dreaded slayer deeds, which I have plenty of to do, since I don't particularly like doing them. There are also exploration deeds, which I quite enjoy. Needless to say, there aren't many of those left for me to do. Another kind of deed rewards you for doing a certain number of quests in an area. There are also hidden deeds, several of which I have done. I may solicit my friends to help me a bit with this kind, as these hidden deeds tend to be unlocked by other people doing certain emotes at you (such as bowing, cowering, saluting, kissing, cheering, and mocking). Others are gained by eating a certain amount of certain foods, which I would like to work on also. The hobby system also rewards you for certain accomplishments (currently there is only fishing, so the deeds are things like, gain a certain fishing skill level, or catch all 9 kinds of trout - that sort of thing). There are also event deeds, for such things as participating in festivals. Finally, there are adventure-based deeds, which reward you for completing instances, often having with them associated exploration and slayer deeds. These are some of my favorite, since you can often get several, just for having an adventure.
Melawe's list of dirty deeds:
1. Kill dunlendings in the school of Tham Mirdain (Eregion)
2. Kill dunlendings in Eregion
3. Kill half-orcs in Eregion
4. Kill harvest-flies in the Shire
5. Kill trolls in Sarnur (Ered Luin)
6. Kill Angmarim in Forochel
7. Find the deep-fires in Goblin Town (Misty Mountains)
8. Kill orcs in the 16th Hall (Moria)
9. Drive evil from the 16th Hall (Moria)
10. Kill Globsnaga orcs in Moria
11. Kill merrivail in Lumul-nar (Hall of Mirrors - Moria)
12. Kill Ergoth (Hall of Mirrors - Moria)
13. Kill goblins in the Grand Stair (Moria)
14. Carnivore! (eat 3 each of lots of different meat dishes)
15. Kill kergrim in Evendim
16. Pork-chopper! (kill a boar in each of the original zones)
17. Kill giants in Evendim
18. Kill barrow-wardens in Haudh Iarchith (Bree-land)
19. Executioner of the Wicked (slay 6 bosses in Haudh Iarchith - Bree-land)
20. Kill the bosses in the Hall of Crafting (Moria)
21. Collect 5 crates in the Hall of Crafting (Moria)
22. Do 40 quests in Lothlorien
23. Find the Duvardain Quarters in Carn Dum (Angmar)
24. Kill trolls in Carn Dum (Angmar)
25. Kill Angmarim in Carn Dum (Angmar)
26. Explore Caras Galadhon (Lothlorien)
27. Kill orcs in Lothlorien
28. Wanderer of the Golden Wood (explore Lothlorien)
29. Kill worms in Moria
30. The Circle of Despair (explore the area around Barad Gularan in Angmar)
31. Hall of Crafting
32. Hall of Crafting
33. Shire Brewmaster (help the tavern keeps in the Shire)
34. Kill lizards in the Water-Wheels (Moria)
35. Collect flowers in the Water-Wheels (Moria)
36. Kill harvest-flies in Bree-land
37. Lorien Lookout (Lothlorien)
38. Flet-runner (Lothlorien)
39. Kill beasts in Lothlorien
40. Doer of Great Deeds (complete certain deeds in Lothlorien)
Well, that was an experience. I like how that last one worked out - it seems appropriate!
There are different kinds of deeds you can do. There are the dreaded slayer deeds, which I have plenty of to do, since I don't particularly like doing them. There are also exploration deeds, which I quite enjoy. Needless to say, there aren't many of those left for me to do. Another kind of deed rewards you for doing a certain number of quests in an area. There are also hidden deeds, several of which I have done. I may solicit my friends to help me a bit with this kind, as these hidden deeds tend to be unlocked by other people doing certain emotes at you (such as bowing, cowering, saluting, kissing, cheering, and mocking). Others are gained by eating a certain amount of certain foods, which I would like to work on also. The hobby system also rewards you for certain accomplishments (currently there is only fishing, so the deeds are things like, gain a certain fishing skill level, or catch all 9 kinds of trout - that sort of thing). There are also event deeds, for such things as participating in festivals. Finally, there are adventure-based deeds, which reward you for completing instances, often having with them associated exploration and slayer deeds. These are some of my favorite, since you can often get several, just for having an adventure.
Melawe's list of dirty deeds:
1. Kill dunlendings in the school of Tham Mirdain (Eregion)
2. Kill dunlendings in Eregion
3. Kill half-orcs in Eregion
4. Kill harvest-flies in the Shire
5. Kill trolls in Sarnur (Ered Luin)
6. Kill Angmarim in Forochel
7. Find the deep-fires in Goblin Town (Misty Mountains)
8. Kill orcs in the 16th Hall (Moria)
9. Drive evil from the 16th Hall (Moria)
10. Kill Globsnaga orcs in Moria
11. Kill merrivail in Lumul-nar (Hall of Mirrors - Moria)
12. Kill Ergoth (Hall of Mirrors - Moria)
13. Kill goblins in the Grand Stair (Moria)
14. Carnivore! (eat 3 each of lots of different meat dishes)
15. Kill kergrim in Evendim
16. Pork-chopper! (kill a boar in each of the original zones)
17. Kill giants in Evendim
18. Kill barrow-wardens in Haudh Iarchith (Bree-land)
19. Executioner of the Wicked (slay 6 bosses in Haudh Iarchith - Bree-land)
20. Kill the bosses in the Hall of Crafting (Moria)
21. Collect 5 crates in the Hall of Crafting (Moria)
22. Do 40 quests in Lothlorien
23. Find the Duvardain Quarters in Carn Dum (Angmar)
24. Kill trolls in Carn Dum (Angmar)
25. Kill Angmarim in Carn Dum (Angmar)
26. Explore Caras Galadhon (Lothlorien)
27. Kill orcs in Lothlorien
28. Wanderer of the Golden Wood (explore Lothlorien)
29. Kill worms in Moria
30. The Circle of Despair (explore the area around Barad Gularan in Angmar)
31. Hall of Crafting
32. Hall of Crafting
33. Shire Brewmaster (help the tavern keeps in the Shire)
34. Kill lizards in the Water-Wheels (Moria)
35. Collect flowers in the Water-Wheels (Moria)
36. Kill harvest-flies in Bree-land
37. Lorien Lookout (Lothlorien)
38. Flet-runner (Lothlorien)
39. Kill beasts in Lothlorien
40. Doer of Great Deeds (complete certain deeds in Lothlorien)
Well, that was an experience. I like how that last one worked out - it seems appropriate!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Road Trip Day 4
Day 4 of our road trip made its beginnings with us leaving Albert Lea and heading off toward Wisconsin. On our way, we saw lots of wind farms:

After a while, as we got closer to Wisconsin, and also once we were in Wisconsin, wind farms turned into dairy farms with windmills on them, and then dairy farms with no windmills:

We stopped in Wisconsin Dells to look for a place called Witches Gulch, but alas, we did not find it. We drove all over town looking for it. I've seen pictures of it, so I know it exists; it must have been hiding on me. We finally gave up and stopped for lunch at an IHOP, which we had been thinking about doing at some point during our trip. Wisconsin Dells is a very small town with a very small population, and a large amount of tourism. It's kind of what I imagine Banff, Alberta would be like if you took it out of the mountains and traded in the moose/elk for waterslides and the like. All the appropriate elements are there: quaint but touristy downtown, pedestrian crossings everywhere, people everywhere, out-of-towners working at the service places, and, where there isn't a bunch of buildings, nice roads with trees and nature.
After that, we continued to Milwaukee, where we met up with some friends of mine from Lord of the Rings Online. Now, that was really neat. I already knew these people, but I didn't know their faces, their families, their homes, their day-to-day lives. It was a treat to see them, a lot of them all together at once. My mother worried a lot when I told her I was going to be staying at a friend's house - she told me all kinds of horror stories of people meeting up with people they'd only met online. I told her if he was creepy, we didn't have to stay there. She told me if he was an axe-murderer, I wouldn't know until it was too late. However, as I suspected, there was no need to worry. There was about as much chance I'd mis-gauged my friends as there was I'd mis-gauged my coworkers, classmates, relatives or other friends whose houses I'd been to after only being their classmates. There's always a slight chance anyone you know could be a bonafide psycho, which is why you sort of test the waters before jumping in. Anyhow, it was nice to see my friends, healthy and happy, and meet their families, who were also wonderful. We had a barbeque feast, complete with such wonders as colby-jack cheese and lime chiffon (which I will have to learn how to make), neither of which I'd ever had before. All in all, this and the following day were my favorite part of the whole trip.

After a while, as we got closer to Wisconsin, and also once we were in Wisconsin, wind farms turned into dairy farms with windmills on them, and then dairy farms with no windmills:

We stopped in Wisconsin Dells to look for a place called Witches Gulch, but alas, we did not find it. We drove all over town looking for it. I've seen pictures of it, so I know it exists; it must have been hiding on me. We finally gave up and stopped for lunch at an IHOP, which we had been thinking about doing at some point during our trip. Wisconsin Dells is a very small town with a very small population, and a large amount of tourism. It's kind of what I imagine Banff, Alberta would be like if you took it out of the mountains and traded in the moose/elk for waterslides and the like. All the appropriate elements are there: quaint but touristy downtown, pedestrian crossings everywhere, people everywhere, out-of-towners working at the service places, and, where there isn't a bunch of buildings, nice roads with trees and nature.
After that, we continued to Milwaukee, where we met up with some friends of mine from Lord of the Rings Online. Now, that was really neat. I already knew these people, but I didn't know their faces, their families, their homes, their day-to-day lives. It was a treat to see them, a lot of them all together at once. My mother worried a lot when I told her I was going to be staying at a friend's house - she told me all kinds of horror stories of people meeting up with people they'd only met online. I told her if he was creepy, we didn't have to stay there. She told me if he was an axe-murderer, I wouldn't know until it was too late. However, as I suspected, there was no need to worry. There was about as much chance I'd mis-gauged my friends as there was I'd mis-gauged my coworkers, classmates, relatives or other friends whose houses I'd been to after only being their classmates. There's always a slight chance anyone you know could be a bonafide psycho, which is why you sort of test the waters before jumping in. Anyhow, it was nice to see my friends, healthy and happy, and meet their families, who were also wonderful. We had a barbeque feast, complete with such wonders as colby-jack cheese and lime chiffon (which I will have to learn how to make), neither of which I'd ever had before. All in all, this and the following day were my favorite part of the whole trip.
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About Me

- Anacredenza
- Anacredenza is a screen name I made up back when I first joined a debate forum. At that time, I was just about finished figuring out what my beliefs are, and the name, which means 'renewed belief' reflects that. I cannot claim to know everything (not even remotely close!), but I'm now comfortable with what I believe, which I discovered were my deep, though covered-up, thoughts all along, and have therefore been renewed. I may be right, or I may be wrong, but at least now I'm being true to myself. After figuring this out, I went back and talked with people who hold beliefs that I used to share, to test my new (and old) thoughts on the matter. After several years of that, I am much more comfortable with what I believe. I don't care very much about what other people believe any more, as long as they don't use their beliefs to justify harming other people. That said, I care a great deal about how people come to their conclusions - thorough, critical thinking skills are important, and if more people just knew how to think, the whole world could be a much less hostile place.