After a while, as we got closer to Wisconsin, and also once we were in Wisconsin, wind farms turned into dairy farms with windmills on them, and then dairy farms with no windmills:

We stopped in Wisconsin Dells to look for a place called Witches Gulch, but alas, we did not find it. We drove all over town looking for it. I've seen pictures of it, so I know it exists; it must have been hiding on me. We finally gave up and stopped for lunch at an IHOP, which we had been thinking about doing at some point during our trip. Wisconsin Dells is a very small town with a very small population, and a large amount of tourism. It's kind of what I imagine Banff, Alberta would be like if you took it out of the mountains and traded in the moose/elk for waterslides and the like. All the appropriate elements are there: quaint but touristy downtown, pedestrian crossings everywhere, people everywhere, out-of-towners working at the service places, and, where there isn't a bunch of buildings, nice roads with trees and nature.
After that, we continued to Milwaukee, where we met up with some friends of mine from Lord of the Rings Online. Now, that was really neat. I already knew these people, but I didn't know their faces, their families, their homes, their day-to-day lives. It was a treat to see them, a lot of them all together at once. My mother worried a lot when I told her I was going to be staying at a friend's house - she told me all kinds of horror stories of people meeting up with people they'd only met online. I told her if he was creepy, we didn't have to stay there. She told me if he was an axe-murderer, I wouldn't know until it was too late. However, as I suspected, there was no need to worry. There was about as much chance I'd mis-gauged my friends as there was I'd mis-gauged my coworkers, classmates, relatives or other friends whose houses I'd been to after only being their classmates. There's always a slight chance anyone you know could be a bonafide psycho, which is why you sort of test the waters before jumping in. Anyhow, it was nice to see my friends, healthy and happy, and meet their families, who were also wonderful. We had a barbeque feast, complete with such wonders as colby-jack cheese and lime chiffon (which I will have to learn how to make), neither of which I'd ever had before. All in all, this and the following day were my favorite part of the whole trip.
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